A N Y W H E R E !
A N Y W H E R E !
A N Y T I M E !
Turtles are one of God's most magnificent and special creations. Their beauty transcends the color of their shells and the pigmentation of their flippers. Their eyes speak of profound wisdom and ancient knowing. They are gentle, solitary beings seeking to live in peace on a planet they have roamed since ancient times. To come in contact with these creatures is to fall hopelessly in love with them. Today, they are struggling to survive.
Sea Turtle Shop
Please Help
These unique creatures are in desperate need of help and protection from the very species who put them on a trajectory toward extinction. Poaching for the illegal shell trade, harvesting for food, commercial longline fishing, marine debris, pollution, and many other man-made afflictions are causing great hardship and suffering. They are dependent on us for help. These gentle creatures cannot do it on their own. Mankind will weep an eternity if these magnificent life forms are pushed to extinction. Your help is needed. Below are links to many great organizations who are fighting to save threatened and endangered sea turtle species. Please visit them and lend your support.
Preservation Links